Starship Modeler

Starship Modeler is the complete information resource for the science fiction, factual space, fantasy, mecha and anime scale model builder.

Updated Without Warning - 3 October 2024 Edition


[Headlines and Latest Updates]


[Interact with Other Imaginitive Scale Modelers]

  • READER GALLERY - A collection of models built by you, the readers, to inspire and amaze.
  • DISCUSSION FORUMS - Got a question? Opinion? Modeling tip? Dial up the frequency for our discussion forum and talk to modelers on your wavelength.
  • FACEBOOK GROUP - Interact with modelers from around the world.
  • ON THE BENCH - See what fellow modelers are working on.
  • PERSPECTIVE - One wife's perspective on the benefits of our hobby.

[References - Images, Articles and More]

[This Site - Site Specific information]

  • SITE MAP - Like the universe, this site is ever expanding. Here's a map.
  • FEEDBACK - Tell us what you think! What do you like? What else would you like see?
  • CONTRIBUTOR'S GUIDELINES - Your submissions help make our coverage lively and varied!
  • ABOUT THIS SITE - Why we do this, and the people who keep it going.

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[Fimp sez Squonk]


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[Best damn comic on the web]

[Girl Genius - Adventure! Romance! Mad Science!]

Starship Modeler™ is the complete information resource for the science fiction, factual space, fantasy, mecha and anime scale model builder. The site is maintained by John Lester, a wholesome, all-American, starship-modeling kinda guy. Except where noted, all copyrights are retained by the authors. Portions may be reproduced for non-commercial use only (such as club newsletters, etc) with written permission of the authors. We do not maintain this site for commercial gain, but rather to share information on a hobby we find engrossing and exciting. Our reviews represent our honest personal assessments of the individual authors and should not be construed as commercial endorsements by them, or us.

Copyright Notices.

These pages are intended strictly for personal use of those who appreciate the hard work, intelligence, artistry, and effort that go into making real and fictional spacecraft. This site is not intended to infringe on the intellectual properties of any copyright holders. Please address concerns, questions, and any notices we may have inadvertently missed to site administration for resolution.

Read our Privacy Policy

Go back up / Half in the Bag

Copyright © 1996-2022 Starship Modeler. All Rights Reserved. The "Starship Modeler" name and the circle and spaceship SM logo are trademarks of Starship Modeler.

Welcome to our fine print! There's nothing much down here, so why don't you cruise the site and find something more engrossing to look at? And if you're all looked out, go build a model, for heaven's sake!

"Wrongs set right. Damsels rescued. Dragons slain. No reasonable request denied...unless the dragon's REAL big..."

This page copyright © Starship Modeler™.
Last updated on 1 August 2024.