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1/8 Despite my best efforts, I could not make the wallpaper I planned .... work. I blame someone other than me. This month's wallpaper is based on Hasegawa's 1/72 VF-0S with Ghost. Macross was ahead of it's day with CCA's and "drones".... 12/2 This month's wallpaper is based on Bandai's 1/1000 Gupellion-class astro-carrier "Schdrg" and CAP, The kits are from Space Battleship Yamato: 2199. 11/2 This month's wallpaper is based on Hasegawa's 1/20Falke "Otsu" anti-gravity fighter kit from SF3D/ Maschinen Krieger universe. 10/3 This month's wallpaper is based on Plum's 1/100 R-9A "Arrowhead" space fighter kit from the 2003 video game. 9/2 September's wallpaper is based on Moebius' 1/350 Space Clipper kit, believe it or not. It's a very small model.... 8/1 This month's wallpaper is based on Scott Scariot's 1/100 USS Alliance, a conversion that started with PL's 1/1000 Enterprise from ST: Discovery. A head's up: we'll be AFK from 3-15 August. The Store will be open, but nothing will ship 'till we get back, 7/2 This month's wallpaper is based on on Mike Walston's Sunjammer, a kitbashed solar sail racing yacht. 6/9. This month's wallpaper is based on on Craig Dowell's award-winning scratchbuilt diorama at Wonderfest 2024. Wow - just .... wow. As ever, Wonderfest was a blast - as much family reunion (with people you actually like!) as it is a genre convention with a massive model contest (over 1100 entries this year, IIRC). The prep - and recovery - are exhausting, though. The Store is back together and inventoried, I'm almost caught up at work (busy season there), so the next peoject is processing all these pictures I took. Stay tuned.... 05/06. Uploaded to the dev site - and not the live site. Fixed now. 05/01. This month's wallpaper is based on Neil Prentice's build of the early-oughts resin 1/48 Y-Wing - still the only one I've seen built. 04/06. Everything has been restored and the bots shown the door. 04/03. So: a couple of things: The Store has been down since Sunday, Seems we have attracted the unwanted attention of russian bot swarms. Not sure why, other than they can. Wortking on it. Had a deep-discount sale to announce that will have to wait. Also figured out why the whole site is suddenly not appearing like how I made it. Will require an extensive re-write. This month's wallpaper is based on Mike Lippeth's Foo Fighter - the Polar Lights 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' re-issue of the grandaddy of all sci-fi plastic models (and proof positive you can build a show-stopper from anything, with skill and patience).03/02. This month's wallpaper is based on Hasegawa's Harpy TR-5 space fighters, from the Crusher Joe animes. Also, lots of new kits and accessories in the Store - including Monarch's new 1/8 Moon Suit. 02/01. This month's wallpaper is Pig Tank, based on Tasca's Miyazaki Pig Tank model. 01/26. A quick programming note: We'll be out of town next week (1/27 - 2/04) for a wedding - somewhere warm. Maybe we'll even see the sun? That would be nice. All Store orders will ship on Monday, 2/5. 01/02. New Year, new wallpaper: based on Plum's Vic Viper Ver. Gradius IV model. |
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