Scale: Not stated
A well-armed and versatile craft used by a squadron of Imperial Death Troopers, the Imperial Assault Shuttle is a feared sight to Rebel cells operating in the outer rim. The large dorsal sensor spike ensures attacks have the advantage of surprise. Two forward-facing chain guns inflict an intense attack few ships can withstand. Two side-mounted gunner ports provide support during ship-to-ship engagements while a pair of rear-facing blaster cannons clean up anything left behind. Two cooling panels prevent overheating in protracted engagements.
The main body is two Imperial shuttle hulls. The sensor spike is a nacelle from an AMT Vulcan Shuttle. The side fins are relocated Imperial shuttle top fins. The fin inserts are from a plastic needlepoint sheet. The bridge is the shuttle pod from a Vulcan Shuttle with most of the top of shuttle part of a Klingon D7.
The main cockpit window is from an MPC TIE fighter. The forward chain guns are from a Monogram Maquis ship. The cooling panels are off of a Happy Meal toy . The two side gun ports are TIE fighter windows with guns I made from styrene and spare parts.
The "guts" on the top rear are from an MPC Slave I kit. The rear cover is from a speeder bike kit. The engine is from the clear nacelle pieces of an AMT Enterprise-B kit. The rear blaster cannons are from the main guns of a Starblazers Yamato kit.