By John Lester - images & text © 1998 |
Overall Impressions | What's Wrong With It | Building It | Painting It | Displaying It | Where to Find This One | Copyright Info Building It Never start work without a plan. Assemble your references, take the parts out of the box, and figure out what has to be done before the next step can start. In this case:
Cockpit I used the command pod from the TIE/Interceptor kit and gave it a new cockpit from AMT's two-ship TIE/ln (standard) kit. You can skip all this and use the entire center portion from the TIE/ln (standard) and attach the TIE/Interceptor's solar panels - that's far easier. However, I have other plans for the remaining TIE (standard) shell. |
You'll also have to paint the interior and the forward canopy glazing and framing. After the paint is dry, glue the cockpit sides and pilot's chair to the floor. The rear bulkhead in the TIE/ln kit is wrong - clear out the solid plastic between the ribs before painting and gluing to the rest of the cockpit. Because of the way the canopy glazing and forward frame fit inside the hull there isn't enough room to fit the forward part of the cockpit from the TIE/ln kit unaltered. You'll need to trim the edges of the bulkheads, shave off the attachment tabs on each bulkhead, and cut off the top part of the rear bulkead frame to make it all fit. You'll also need to cut off the large stub jutting out from the bottom of the kit's forward bulkhead. Glue the cockpit assembly to the forward canopy framing. The bottom of the floor pan should rest on the stand mount sticking out from the bottom of the forward frame. You can trim the remaining cockpit part to fit now - I left it off since it can't be seen at all on my model. I also added a control yoke made from paper clips and putty. Command Pod The outer hull pieces are a bit easier to correct. Start with the clear parts in the over head and rear hatches. Both clear pieces in my kit were extremely thick and sat too low in their respecive mounting areas, leaving a noticeable gap between the clear and grey parts. Additionally, the clear insert to the rear hatch was bowed inward, not flat. In both places, I shaved off the mounting pins. If you are not going to have openings to view the cockpit detail, simply glue the inserts in place. Otherwise, cut the appropriate sized clear parts from .020 inch clear styrene and glue them in instead.I used the kit's clear inserts. After the glue dried, I sealed the edges of each part with white glue. After this had dried, I mixed and poured Envirotex clear resin (obtained from the model railroad section of the local hobby shop) in each opening to fill in the gaps. I also tinted the resin with a few drops of Tamiya Smoke clear black). I then set these pieces aside to dry overnight. Once the resin had cured assembly speeded up considerably. I glued the comand module halves together, then filed and sanded the seams. Next on the agenda were fixing hull details. I constructed the sensor and engine parts for the TIE/Interceptor from .010 sheet styrene and 1/16" rod, using parts from the TIE/ln as a guide. I also built up most of the missing details on the hull using from . .010 sheet, using several shots I found of the studio models as reference. The chin cannon mounts were built up from two antenna mounts from a 1/35 scale HMMWV kit (if you don't have something similiar use putty and 1/16" rod). Additional panel lines were scribed with the tip of a hobby knife. Finally, everything was lightly sanded and washed with mild soapy water to remove finger oils, dust, and other residues that might interfere with paint adhesion. Solar Panels After all that work, the solar panels were a breeze. I simply hollowed out the wing-mounted blasters and targeting sensor tubes. Some of the detail in the targeting sensor area is wrong - there should be 2 smaller tubes and some tiny detail outboard of the existing ones, for instance - but it wasn't worth the trouble of cleaning up. The solar arrays were also lightly sanded and washed. They were painted separately to allow for masking/painting of the solar cells, and glued to the command pod when all the paint had dried. Painting It Cockpit |
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This review copyright 1997-1998 by the Lester Press. Last updated 15 May 1998 (reformatted 23 January 2015)