Mark Fergel's X-Wing entry in the Starfighter Contest

Starship Modeler Starfight Contest Entry

MPC Snap-Fit X-Wing

By Mark Fergel

All raised panel lines were removed and engraved using a Bare Metal panel scriber. Small panels of styrene were glued on to the fuselage to replace the ones that I sanded off.

The model was sprayed in primer gray. I then applied small dabs of rubber cement around edges and such. The model was then sprayed with a can of Model Master camoflauge gray spray. The rubber cement was removed, revealing darker "paint chips". I then applied the kit decals and scraped them with an Xacto knife.

Weathering was done with silver dry brushing, black, gray, and brown pastels, and small dabs of silver, gray, and black paint, using an Xacto knife as a brush.

I was suprised on how well the kit came out for being the smaller snap-fit. I hope my larger scale X-Wing turns out this well.

For more detail shots of this model, click the links below:

X-Wing on tabletop.

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