Thank Star Wars for resuccitating the Star Trek franchise. The unprecedented success of "A New Hope" convinced Paramount to shelve plans for a new series (Star Trek II) and instead expand the first episode into a feature length movie. "Star Trek:The Motion Picture" was released in 1979, and despite lukewarm critical and fan reactions, it was enough of a commercial success to spawn 8 more movies and three new series over the next 20 years. As in the original series, starships and space-going craft are a big part of the movies. Many now-familiar designs first appeared on the big screen, including the Excelsior, K'Tinga, and Akira classes. Designs of new ships are evolutionary improvements over their predecessors - as is fitting for a well-established background such as the Trek universe. |
![]() Image: TM & COPYRIGHT 1979 |
All photographs are courtesy of individuals, as noted. These images may not be reproduced or redistributed/reposted by any means ... so don't even ask. |
Constitution (refit)-class Starship. The original Constitution class ships, of which USS Enterprise NCC-1701 was one, were extensively upgraded in the 2270's, receiving new systems, new warp drives, and a new bridge module. The original Enterprise was scuttled in 2285 (Star Trek III) to prevent capture by the Klingons. USS Yorktown, then undergoing refit herself, was rechristened Enterprise and assigned the NCC-1701-A registry (Star Trek IV) in 2286. She served until 2293, when she was retired. The motion picture Enterprise was designed by Mike Minor, Joe Jennings, Andrew Probert, Douglas Trumbull and Harold Michelson. The -A varied only slightly on the exterior, though some sets were redesigned for Star Trek V and VI. Photos were taken after Star Trek V and are courtesy of Mark Dickson. Also courtesy of Mark is a great shot of the ship, available in three sizes for computer wallpaper. These images are FREE, not for resale. Image 31: Looking forward along the front of the nacelle.Image 32: Front of warp nacelle, from above. Image 33: Same area, from underneath. Image 34: Same area, looking back along nacelle top. Image 35: Rear of nacelle. Image 36: Inboard side of nacelle. Image 37: Underside, behind pylons. Image 38: Rear of nacelle. Note detailing. Image 39: Same general area, from an angle. Image 40: Other side. Note panelling. Image 41: Side view, port side. Image 42: Side view, starboard side. Image 43: Head on. Image 44: Under the saucer. Image 45: Topside. Image 46: Starboard quarter. Image 47: Port quarter. Image 48: Same side, lower angle. Image 49: Rear view, between nacelles. Image 50: Behind and above. Image 51: Behind and below. |
John Eaves IMAGES: |
Excelsior-class Starship. Launched in 2284, the lead ship in this class was used as a testbed for the unsuccessful transwarp drive project. Refit with standard warp drive, the Excelsior became the prototype for one of the most successful and numerous designs in Starfleet service. Continually upgraded throughout the following decades, like their contemporaries the Miranda class, these ships still form the backbone of Starfleet nearly 100 years later. The original Excelsior was designed by Bill George and built by ILM for Star Trek III. The miniature was modified for Star Trek:Generations; the modifications were designed by John Eaves under the direction of Herman Zimmerman. The model has been redressed several times for various shows. These pictures show it in it's USS Lakota incarnation. Photos by John Eaves, courtesy of Mark Dickson's collection. Image 21: Side view, on the stand. Image 22: Head-on view of sensor dome. Image 23: Oblique view of secondary hull. Image 24: Torpedo launchers. Image 25: Under the forward part of the scondary hull. Image 26: Staring down the deflector tunnel. Image 27: Flyby. Image 28: Same general view, from head on. Image 29: Beauty shot. Image 30: Dead astern. Image 31: Oblique view across the top of secondary hull. Image 32: From the other side. Image 33: Top view. |
K'tinga-Class Cruiser First seen in ST:TMP, the K'tinga class was still in service during the DS9 timeframe. Apparently the Federation isn't the only civilization unwilling to scrap outdated vessels .... The ships are upgraded versions of the D-7 class first seen in the original series. This model was originally built by Magicam for ST:TMP (when these photos were taken), and re-used in several movies, TNG and DS9 series'. Photos were taken by Phil Broad and are courtesy of the Mark Dickson collection. Image 16: Under the main hull.Image 17: Detail view of the little gizmo at the front corner of the lower hull. Image 18: Detail of the Klingon insignia underneath. Image 19: Rear view. Image 20: Detail, starboard impulse engine. Image 21: Detail, rear edge of "wing". Image 22: Side view, port impulse engine. Image 23: Side view, starboard warp engine. Image 24: Closer look, port warp engine. Image 25: Inboard face details. Image 26: Details, inboard side, rear of warp engine. Image 27: Details, outboard side, rear of warp engine. |
The following pictures show the studio model as Quonos One, as it appeared after Star Trek VI. Pictures are courtesy of Mark Dickson. | ||
Image 1: Front vie, starboard side, of "shoulder" & "neck" Image 2: Starboard side, "head" Image 3: Rear view, center of hull Image 4: Bow and bridge Image 5: Closer look, slightly lower than previous image Image 6: Looking right down the photorp launcher Image 7: Head-on view Image 8: Bridge area, portside front Image 9: Port side of the "head" Image 10: Detail of "head" Image 11: Underneath the neck boom, right where it meets the "head" Image 12: Same area, but from further away Image 13: Top of the "neck", where it meets the main hull Image 14: Underneath the same area Image 15: "Head", starboard side Image 16: Top of the "neck", where it meets the head Image 17: Top of the "head", from behind Image 18: Same area, different angle Image 19: Detail, outboard/forward edge of the hull Image 20: Upper part of main hull. |
Image 21: Closer-look. Note the photo-etched ship masts used as surface detailing. Image 22: Aft end of upper engine deck. Image 23: Detail under the port-side "radiator" Image 24: Detail underneath the main hull, back by the impulse engine. Image 25: More details (and photoetch pieces), top of the neck, back by the main hull. Image 26: Insignia, port "wing". Image 27: Inset detailing, on the side of the main hull. Image 28: Side view, starboard warp nacelle and support. Image 29: Port warp nacelle, front view. Image 30: Front of starboard warp nacelle. Most of the detail is obscured by the camera flash, but detail on the pylon is visible. Image 31: Inside detail of starboard warp nacelle, looking forward. Image 32: Rear view, warp nacelle (port) and pylon. Image 33: Outboard side of starboard warp nacelle endcap. Image 34: Oblique view of starboard warp nacelle, outboard face, where it joins the wing. Image 35: Forward part of warp nacelle (port), inboard side. Image 36: Boy, did ERTL get this wrong - inboard face of port warp nacelle. Image 37: Warp nacelle endcap, port side, inside face. Image 38: Panel detail on the wing Image 39: Rear view, showing impulse engines. Image 40: Underneath the impulse engines. |
Image 41: Rear view, port side, left of the impulse engines. Image 42: Same area, starboard side. Image 43: Above the last shot. Image 44: Inset detail, portside "wing". Image 45: "Corner guard", starboard side (top). Image 46: Forward face of the main hull, port side. Image 47: Rear portion of main hull, underneath. The ERTL kit has the Klingon symbol engraved here - which is correct only for the first (movie) version. Image 48: Forward face of the bow, in profile. Image 49: The bridge module on the studio model is removable. Image 50: Another, bigger picture of the topside of the bridge module. Image 51: Rear face of the bridge module. Image 52: Underneath. Note the texture of the flat surface the bridge rests on - something else ERTL got wrong. Image 53: Another look at all the surface detail on top of the bow. |
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