By Jeffrey Griffin - images and text © 2009
![]() A newcomer to the garage kit manufacturing scene is Delta Quadrant Models. The Galor/Keldon-type Cardassian cruiser first appears in Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Wounded" as a Galor-class. We later see the Keldon> variant in the DS9 episode "The Defiant". The design has been previously presented in kit form in both injection molded plastic from ERTL and a resin-cast kit in roughly the same size/scale as the ERTL kit - roughly 1/1400 as the Galor, with a Keldon conversion kit in resin being released, as well. |
^ Parts |
However, this is the first time one has ben in 1/2500 scale. I was enamored of this design when I first saw it about 20 years ago, now I've got one for my Sacred Scale collection. One note - there is bit of a discrepency with the scanon information for the ship, particularly it's "real" length. Ex Astris Scientia's Cardassian Ships page (scroll down roughly 1/4 from the top) gives a length of 481m, which is based off of the original intended length from it's TNG appearance, but it also gives a length of 372m based off of scaling in DS9 episodes. A length of 481m would give us a model 7.57" / 19.24cm. However, this model is based off of the 372m length, giving us a model which is physically ~5.9" / 14.88cm long. Works well for me, given that these ships are meant to be fairly tough, based off of dialogue in "The Wounded", and I have no problems with them being roughly the same size as an Excelsior-class starship. |
What I Got The kit comes packaged in a nice, oversized box packed with shipping popcorn. Inside are parts in ziploc bags, including the decal sheet, along with two different print outs to act as a color guide, as well as a decal placement sheet. You get a total of eight (8) resin parts: the main hull, command section, aft weapons pod/pylon assembly, forward weapons array, upper troop/cargo module, a disruptor cannon for the top of the module and two (2) impulse engine fins. The nicely done color decal sheet includes windows, Cardassian script for two different ships and LOTS of windows. Did I mention windows...? The casting was done by Two Fat Guys. The resin appears to be the standard off-white (almost a light sand color) resin. The parts have only a touch of flash. Very little in the way of some seam lines are apparent, and what little bit is easy to take care of with a bit of Xacto and sand paper touch ups, making short work of them. Detail is somewhat soft in some areas, while fair crisp and clean in others. We get a lot of raised details on the surface, as well as panel lines. However, some of the panel lines are a bit soft in a few areas. After comparing the online images of the ship design, I decided to move the aft "weapons tail" about 1/16 of an inch further forward from it's position indicated by the guide hole. It just doesn't look quite right where it's intended on the model parts. The only issue I have with the model itself, regardless, is that the warp "wings" appear to be too thin. Looking at the online images of both the studio model and line drawings, they appear to be thinner then they should, though the overhead shape appears to be dead-on to the studio model. It could just be my eye, I guess. Assembly and Finish I've built up one as a Galor after cleaning the pieces with some some Comet Cleaner, rinsed the parts, then cleaned again with Scrubbing Bubbles™ to make sure that any mold release was well and truly gone from the models surface. Just a very little bit of Xacto use and sanding was required to remove mold seams and there were just two airbubbles present on my sample - both easily filled. Some minor alteration of the mounting area for the command section - specifically the "bump" on the main hull to which the command section mounts - was required. Loctite™ Super Glue gel works quite well to adhere the parts together and my Tamiya Modeling Putty sticks quite nicely. Conclusions I'm very happy to own this and purchased two more direclty from Delta Quadrant Models. I look forward to completing them for my collection, at some point in the future. My Cardassian fleet is off to a nice start with these kits. It also allows me to build up a Jem'hadar/Cardassian Alliance fleet. I just need to get some of the non-canon Cardassian ships from Millenia Models International now.... If you're a fan of canon Star Trek Non-Federation ships, as I am, this is definitely one to get! Considering some similarly sized kits cost more than twice this - and don't include decals - you almost can't afford not to purchase this one. I look forward to more kits from Delta Quadrant Models in the future, especially if the quality is like the first release I have in my hands. Many thanks to Delta Quadrant Models for providing the review sample. Manufacturers and retailers, interested in getting your wares reviewed and publicized on a site averaging 6000+ readers a day? Contact us! |
This page copyright © 2009 Starship Modeler™. First posted on 25 September 2009.