Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Star Trek® and Other Model Resources

USS Enterprise-B (ST - Generations) Aztec and Detail Decals (AMT/ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2009

These are decals for replicating the complex AZTEC pattern of the ERTL USS Enterprise B (1/1000 scale). Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, let dry and carefully apply to the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

Download zip archive ( 1.9 MB - contains 6 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

Venator - class Stardestroyer (SW-ROTS) Detail Decals (Revell kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

These are decals for the red details of the Revell ROTS Venator class stardestroyer. Print in a letter sized decal paper, and cover with an acrylic varnish. Let dry. Cut and carefully apply over the model

Download Zip File ( 12.5 MB - contains 5 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Reliant (STII - TWK) Aztec Decals (ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

These are decals for replicating the complex AZTEC pattern of the ERTL USS Reliant (1/537) scale. Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, let dry, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, and carefully apply at the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

Download Zip File ( 4.9MB - contains 8 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Enterprise A Aztec Decals (ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

These are decals for replicating the complex AZTEC pattern of the ERTL USS Enterprise A (1/537) scale. Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, let dry, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, and carefully apply at the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

Download Zip File ( 4.5MB - contains 7 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

Vulcan Shuttle SURAK (ST-TMP) Aztec Decals (ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

These are decals for replicating the complex AZTEC pattern of the AMT/ERTL Vuilcan Shuttle SURAK (1/????) scale. Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, let dry, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, and carefully apply at the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

Download Zip File ( 2.3MB - contains 4 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

Romulan Warbird (ST-TNG) Aztec Decals (ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

These are decals for replicating the complex AZTEC pattern of the ERTL Romulan Warbird (1/3000 ???) scale. Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, let dry, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, and carefully apply at the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

Download Zip File ( 2.5MB - contains 5 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

1/350 USS Enterprise A Detail Markings (Polar Lights kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

These are decals for the blue strongback and other details on the USS Enterprise A version. Print on a letter-sized decal paper, cover with an acrylic varnish, and let dry. Then cut and aplly.

Download Zip File ( 2.0MB - contains 2 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Defiant (ST-TMP) Detail Decal Art (ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2006

These are decals for replicating the complex painting pattern of the ERTL USS Defiant model kit. Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, let dry, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, and carefully apply at the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

Download Zip File (3.6MB - contains 6 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Enterprise (ST-TMP) Refit Detail Decal Art (1/350 scale)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2006

These decals were designed by Matt Fletcher for the Polar Lights 1/350 USS Enterprise refit, as seen in Star Trek - The Motion Picture. They cover the engeneering, navigational deflector area, connecting dorsal "green" details and the warp pylons panels. Print in a letter sized decal paper, at 1200 dpi resolution.

These images are the result of a collaborative effort from a group of fans and modellers, willing to help amateur others to achieve a better finish at the Polar Lights model, and are offered as a free download. These images must not be sold, incorporated into any decal, template or art of any kind, published in any printed media intended for sale, or otherwise use in any commercial venture.

Download Zip File (4.2MB - contains 2 JPG images)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Enterprise Refit Aztec Detail Templates (1/350 scale)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2005

These are my templates for the new Polar Lights 1/350 model of the USS Enterprise, as seen in the movies. Since some people may not know how to use painting masks and templates, I´ll explain it step by step.

  • First, go to your favourite art store and buy a bunch of letter sized FRISKET FILM (a self low-tack adhesive paper used for airbrush artistry).
  • Put the Frisket at your printer, and print as much templates as you think you will need (in fact, you will need MORE than one printing for each template).
  • In printing the templates, be sure to disable the option "shrink oversized pages to paper size" from the Print menu of Adobe Acrobat. These templates must be printed in 100% size, in Letter format paper.
  • Once printed, form your desired "pattern" by filling the empty spaces with a pencil or something else.
  • For the saucer, there is a MAIN template, for the main pattern, and a secondary template, which can be done into any desired pattern.
  • Cut the desired pattern from the frisket with a # 11 blade, and apply over the model.
  • Gently rub your fingers over it, until it´s flat with the surface of the model, then, paint using your most trusty airbrush.

Repeat the procedure for as much "patterns" you think are needed to make a GOOD representation of the USS Enterprise, as seen in Star Trek - The Motion Picture. Small detail, like tiny squares and rectangles, can be made using the same technique. It´s not a single day project, and surely it´s not for beginners, but it´s the way the original model was painted, as revealed by Paul Olsen.

These templates were made using the following programs:

  • Turbocad 9.0 (that´s really a drawing program !)
  • Adobe Illustrator 10
  • Adobe Acrobat 5.5

I cannot guarantee it will work well if you do not use Acrobat 5.5 or superior.

Instructions- READ FIRST

BC Deck Surround

BC Deck Surround #2

Upper Saucer (generic)

Upper Saucer (main)

Lower Saucer (generic)

Lower Saucer (main)

Deflector & Planetary Sensor

Lower Saucer (Center)

Dorsal & Torpedo Deck

Dorsal & Torpedo Deck (2)

Secondary Hull

Secondary Hull (2)

Secondary Hull (3)

Warp Pylons

Warp Pylons (2)

Warp Nacelles

Warp Nacelles (2)

Warp Nacelles (3)

Warp Nacelles (4)

Warp Nacelles (5)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Enterprise-A Detail Decals for ERTL kit

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2005

This decal sheet was designed by myself to complement the markings offered by current decal sheets for the ERTL USS Enterprise A model. Print on 8 x 11 inkjet decal paper. Cover with a gloss acrylic varnish. Cut and apply on the model, following the placement guide. Some decals are a little longer or larger. You must cut the excess.

Decal Placement Guide (84kB JPG)

Decals (8.5 MB JPG)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

Refit Enterprise Aztec Grid Pattern

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2004

These are templates to paint the "aztec" pattern on the ERTL USS Enterprise refit model (NCC-1701 A version). It would be tedious and time-consuming work, but the result will be worthwhile.

After studying the Modeler´s Vault BW ST-TMP photos, I discovered the following facts:

  1. There are about 3 or 4 different templates used at the Enterprise refit for creating the "aztecs";
  2. The ONLY really discernible coherent pattern is the well known "main" aztec, which everybody knows;
  3. The original model makers divided each section of the filming miniature main saucer into 9 vertical and 7 horizontal lines;
  4. The secondary hull appears to be divided into 7 or 6 vertical and 7 horizontal lines, but there´s no discernible pattern "pattern" there;
  5. The warp pylons have a zig-zag pattern;
  6. The warp engines also have some diagonal and vertical "aztecs";
  7. The secondary hull paterns conforms to the CORRECTED deflector grid pattern. Also it was made for the NCC-1701 A grid pattern version.

My study for the patterns can be found here

So, based on that study, I've created a GENERAL GRID PATTERN, from which you can create many different "aztecs", and also the "main aztec" pattern. Simply print the templates in A4 format Frisket paper, cut with a # 11 knife, lay over the model and paint with an airbrush.

Thanks to James Henderson for converting the templates from Autocad to PDF format.

Download the PDFs (2.0 MB ZIP archive)

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Enterprise-C (ST-TNG: Yesterday Enterprise) Blue Areas Decals (for ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

TThese are decals for replicating the complex AZTEC pattern of the ERTL USS Enterprise C (1/1400) scale. Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, let dry, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, and carefully apply at the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

ZIP File 5.7 MB Zip File

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Enterprise-D (ST-TNG) Aztec Decals (for ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

These are decals for replicating the complex AZTEC pattern of the ERTL USS Enterprise D (1/1400) scale. Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, let dry, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, and carefully apply at the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

Sheet 5 (Left side)

Sheet 5 (Right side)

Sheet 6 (Left side)

Sheet 6 (Right side)

Sheet 7

Sheet 8 Bonus: Nebula Weapons Pod

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

USS Enterprise-E (ST-First Contact) Aztec Decals (for ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2007

These are decals for replicating the complex AZTEC pattern of the ERTL USS Enterprise E (1/1400) scale. Print on a letter-sized clear decal paper, let dry, cover with a clear acrylic varnish, and carefully apply at the model. Some decals are sligtly oversized. Apply and the cut off the excess.

ZIP File 4 MB Zip File

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

Cardassian Galor -class Detail Decal Art (for ERTL kit)

By Carlos Zangrando - original document © 2006

These decals replace the ones from the Cardassian Galor Class model kit. The Cardassian markings were resized and presented at the correct number and proportion. Some decals were provided to block light at the frontal main disruptor. First, cut and apply the black ones. Let it fully dry and coat with a clear gloss varnish (or Future). Then apply the brownish versions OVER the black ones. Let dry and coat again. Light should be visible only at the recessed lines of the clear part. Lots of small details were present. Take a look at the box top filming model for positioning. These are to be printed in clear inkjet decal paper.

Also included is an small breifing room interior. Print on thick white paper or glue into a thin styrene sheet. Cut open the roof light. Fold. Paint the outside in black to avoid light leaks.

Download JPG File

Happy modeling,

--- Carlos "Arthur Pendragon" Zangrando

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This page copyright © 2004-10 Starship Modeler™. Last updated on 10 October 2010.