By John Lester - images & text © 2000
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^ The book is well illustrated throughout. 8 pages of color in the center really add to its appeal. ^ Each article takes you through, step-by-step, how one modeler build the kit - focusing on a different aspect in each review. |
The internet is full of information on the J2, and this kit - but nowhere is it really centralized (though is a great place to start). So, the arrival of a book such as this should be the answer to a lot of prayers, right? What You Get The book consists of 62 pages, including 8 pages in color. Edited by Steve Iverson and Anthony Taylor, it features the work of five modelers familiar to many of us on the internet: In addition to chapters by the modelers listed above, there is a short section on basic modeling techniques, a comprehensive list of aftermarket supplies and resources, a section on who the authors are, and a forward by Tom Lowe, President of Polar Light's parent company. Each chapter is extensively illustrated with black and white photos and many diagrams. Subjects covered range from repositioning features, lighting effects, accurizing and superdetailing the upper and lower decks, and landing gear - basically, anything one could think of doing to this model to make it more closely resemble the filming miniature is in this book. If there is anything that can be faulted, it's the somewhat amateur presentation. The diagrams are all hand-drawn, for instance - and at this point, I'm searching so hard to find something about the book that doesn't sound like I've been paid to praise it to the skies that I'm reaching for the tiniest of nits. |
Conclusions When I see something describing itself as "the Ultimate" anything, I'm immediately suspicious it's marketing hype. Heaven knows I have enough modeling tomes on my shelves that claim to be a complete resource for a particular type of model or modeling genre - which fall short by far of being anything but an ultimate drain on my wallet. CultTVMan's Ultimate Guide to The Jupiter 2 is just that - the last word on building this kit, whether one does it straight from the box or goes crazy with detailing. There are a several things I particularly like in its pages:All this for $16 bucks? A very good deal, in my opinion. Highly recommended! Many thanks to CultTVMan for providing the review sample. Manufacturers and retailers, interested in getting your wares reviewed and publicized on a site averaging 2000+ readers a day? Contact us! |
This page copyright © 2000 Starship Modeler. Last updated on 9 November 2000.