Jack Wendt's scratchbuilt ..... um, ship..

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USS Wendt

By Jack Wendt

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I did this ship after seeing the Dominion War contestants. I really liked the "Wanda Diane" entry for it's clean design, but with some changes. I figured a warship ( I mean it does have 4 forward photon tubes) ought to have a larger shuttle for transporting troops etc. THe model is basically a straight kit bash; the additions are corrugated Evergreen sheet for one of the 2 large shuttle bay doors. Plastic pipette is the main part of the big shuttle attached to the froward section. The command area of this shuttle consists of one of my wife's broken fake fingernails, a sequin and a straight pin cut off for the dome. The whole thing took just a few hours to build, and a few days to paint the different shades of gray. The ship is named for my great, great, great, great, great, grandson, who fought in the early days of the war against the Dominion, became a hero, and was killed. (Actually, there's more to it than that .... ask Jack for the gory details - Ed.)

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