This is the BanDai Tactical Armor type 17 "Raiden" from the anime series Gasaraki. I built it stock ... but I just couldn't bring myself to make it look like the ones in the series. Instead, the vignette I did it represents a Vernon Hills, Illinois, Department of Public Works machine clearing snow on one of the local streets. I had planned to give him a shovel - but turning the gun into a high-powered snow blower/vaporizer appealed to me more. Paints were Gunze (Day-glo Orange and Yellow) and Testors (Flat Black and various metallic shades); decals were home made with my ALPS printer. The base was cut from the remains of a waterbed frame the previous tenants left behind. Snow is a mix of some stuff I found in a craft store and microballoons affixed with thinned white glue.
![[Close-up of decal]](jl_gas5.jpg)
Rear View
Close-up of the blower
Building and painting were done in sub-assemblies.