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USS Agility (NCC-65637) (original scratchbuild 20)


A Federation records pod was recovered deep in Dominion space following the war, containing holo-images of this ship, the USS Agility. Also contained within the pod are crew logs detailing the extensive modifications made to a standard Federation shuttlecraft.

The logs begin after the battle to retake DS9. Since both sides were short on ships for rescue efforts, the survivors of the great battle were on their own. A few survivors salvaged a mangled shuttlecraft and used the shuttlebay as a repair garage. A Klingon warp core was dropped into the conference room in the rear of the shuttle, ablative armor was bolted to the hull, and a dual defence cannon from a Dominion battleship was grafted to the right side of the shuttle.

Once operational, they conducted raids on Dominion outposts and evaded Jem`Hadar forces for many months. The constant attacks eventually took their toll, and the Agility was disabled when it was clipped by a Jem`Hadar ship. With a coolant leak, anitmatter injectors frozen, and containment at 23 percent, the records pod was jettisoned in the hope that they would be remembered.

Construction Details

The main fuselage was made from two plastic soap dispensers, with Enterprise-B, Maquis Fighter, and Romulan Warbird hull parts. The wings and pylons were made from Star Destroyer hulls and wing parts of an imperial shuttle. Greeblies from a great many kits were used to fill inset details, battle damaged areas, and the main bridge.

The crew cabin used lots of Cutaway Millennium Falon parts, and the bucket seats are the upper half of the Y-Wing cockpit sections, from the Starwars Hoth Dioramas. The lights and sounds board from a TOS enterprise kit were used to light the crew cabin, with overhead lights and several blinking red-alert LEDs.




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