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Norway Class Medium Crusier (canon scratchbuild 03)


One of Alex Yaeger’s great designs originally seen in the movie First Contact, it can occasionally be observed in some of the big fleet scenes of Deep Space 9. This ship is comparable in size to the Intrepid-class starship; the main forward hull is the size of the USS Defiant. As the ships of this class were named for famous cities, this ship was named the USS Oak Ridge, and featured an additional, experimental reactor; it’s sole job was to power the weapons array, not the ship’s engines. The regular matter/antimatter warp core provided normal ship’s systems with their power seperately.

Construction Details

This ship is primarily sculpted from Dow Styrofoam; the engine wing pylons, and the warp engines were made from thick sheet styrene. Finding reference material to construct this ship was far more difficult than I thought it would be!




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