Starship Modeler Starfighter Contest Entry by Joe Huddleston

Starship Modeler Starfighter Contest Entry


By Joe Huddleston

There are no major changes to this model other than possibly the lighting. I had read of several methods but decided that I wanted the option of turning it on and off. I decided to put a red "bright" LED in the control panel of the cockpit. I sourced the Blue LEDs from Radio Shack and used 5 volt incandecant light bulbs for the reverse thrusters.

I made few other modifications besides boring out the six guns and placing LEDs in them and adding fiber optics to blinking LEDs for "action effect" in the cockpit. I want to thank Jim Davis for his advise with getting the "weathering" effect. His web article was excellent on that subject.

Reverse Thrusters
Top Front View of Sinclair's Fury

Detail Shot of Cockpit

Lighted Cockpit CU

Lit Main Thrusters

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