By John Lester - text © 2006 What can I say about Wonderfest that hasn't been said repeatedly over the years? It's a fantastic weekend filled with great models, a dazzling array things to ogle and maybe even buy in the dealer's room, cool guests, informative presentations and of course, hundreds of modelers who like the same things you do. This year's event, the 17th Wonderfest convention, was no different. There was so much to do and see that it was hard to take it all in --- I know I missed at least half of what's in the images on this page. One new event this year was the Iron Modeler Challenge. Teams of modelers were given a base kit (the PL Scorpion), access to a pile of parts, and basic supplies. The challlenge was to create a vehicle to replace the dune buggies from Nemisis. They had to slam together a model within 4 hours. Sounds simple in theory; the execution turned out to be pretty intense. Judging by the participants' - and spectators' -- enthusiasm, this is a challenge that may well become an annual event (albeit with better planning and better coordination with the Wonderfest crew!). An event of this magnitude doesn't come together without a lot of hard work, and it certainly doesn't run as smoothly without even more blood, sweat and tears.
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Many and sincere thanks to Dave Hodge, Dave Conover, John Davis, Donnie Waddell, Lee Staton and ALL the Wonderfest Crew. They pour your hearts and souls into the event, and it shows - and we very greatly appreciate the opportunity your convention provides for us to come together. "Thank you" just doesn't seem like enough for all you do. And a special thanks to the EMT lady whose name I did not get but I believe is married to one of the Dave's ---- the eyewash worked and I did not have to waste time in the emergency room. You saved the weekend for me. Thank you. I would also be remiss if I neglected to mention the hard work of various individuals before, during and after the show who made it possible for Starship Modeler, the store and the site, to attend (and not just Linda and I). Without the pre-show support Terry Miesle and Neil Prentice, we literally could not have pulled this off. 'Sparky' Joe Suttie's strong back and eagerness to help made it possible for me to cart all that crap down to Louisville, then back again - and whose high spirits made the gruelling drives through some of the nastiest weather and hazardous drivers not only bearable, but enjoyable. Able assistance behind the tables from Jeremy, Barry, Joe and Mark made it possible for us to keep Starship Modeler fully funded and operational for another year. Ter, Ken Brennan, Tony Agustin, Bar, Joe, Jeremy and Neil, helped us set up and tear down when they could have been having fun somewhere else ( and if I had more badges, we could have had a battalion of helpers, such was the number of volunteers - but all I could get badges for was a squad. Last but in no way least - heartfelt thanks from Linda and I to the CoMMIES (and PINKOS). What can I say? I'm still verklempt, but 'The Starship Modeler Store' is in a place of honor, safe from stray balls and flying Barbies. On to the pictures! For additional images, please see Eric Longstreet's Photobucket page and |
Photo Gallery |
Some of the writing on the entry cards was hard to decipher (and the guards kept us from turning over a lot of forms to even get names from!). If I've spelled your name wrong or mis-identified your model, please contact me to get it corrected! |
Vehicles and Hardware Image: Lots of models on displayImage: One of three BIG Musais Image: John Zizolfo's AT-ST Image: Closer look Image: George Seletas' Pioneer-class Starship Image: Closer look Image: Closer look Image: Kenny Haverly's re-worked Box-o-Stuff entry Image: Scott Scariot's Cardassian speaks softly.... Image: SMT Bubblefighter in a cool display Image: Battlestar Galactica, from the Alliance kit Image: Terry Miesle's VF-4 Image: It was painted to match the cranes in the painting used as a base Image: Taking flight Image: Another look Image: Terry's Starblazers ships, from Musashi Enterprises minis. Image: Left side Image: Right side Image: "Um, l-- look, i-- i-- if we built this large wooden badger ....." Image: DY-100 'Botany Bay' Image: Eagle transporter in another neat display Image: Closer look Image: Super Star Destroyer Image: Leif Ericsson Image: Chris' OEP was constructed from 5 different scales of Me-109 Image: Another view Image: Closer look Image: Wings Image: Side view Image: Dagger Image: Jimi Glancy's Seaquest Image: Closer look Image: Heroic Gundam Image: Another look Image: Neil Prentice's Command Tank Image: Another look Image: Neil's Musai is full of extra detail and lighting Image: Port side Image: Port side, again Image: POW! Image: Another look Image: Front view Image: Tiny Panzer Image: It was an itty, bitty, teeny, weeny, super-micro war machiney... Image: Neil's Martian hovertank Image: Another look Image: Tony Agustin's studio-scale X-Wing on a custom base Image: Another look Image: The custom-made base is almost 3 feet wide! Image: Left side Image: Head-on Image: Use the force, Luke Image: He looks surprised Image: Scratchbuilt wheel tank from Ep II Image: From above Image: Another of Scott's Cardassian ships Image: Another view of the Galor Image: Tony's vignette of Starbuck rescuing Apollo won the 'Best Sci-Fi Vehicle' award Image: Closer look Image: Side view, with Jay Chladek's TIE/Fighter behind Image: Battle damage Image: Jay's TIE/Fighter Image: Closer look Image: Cylon Raider Image: Jimi Glancy's Batmobiles Image: Both are 1/35 scale Bandai kits Image: Moonbuggy Image: It won a Merit |
Image: Scratchbuilt hoversled Image: Another look Image: Obi Wan's Ep III Starfighter Image: Closer look Image: Dreaded UN black Helicopter Image: 1/1000 NX-01 Image: It won a Merit award Image: Speederbike Image: Another look Image: Right side Image: TAS Klingon D-10 from the PL kit Image: Closer look Image: Red Zaku Image: Head on Image: Klingon K'tinga Image: Other side Image: Closer look Image: Lectroid ship Image: Another look Image: Movie-era Trek kitbash USS Invincible Image: Another look Image: From above Image: ''Data, to the Weedwhacker!'' Image: Bad guy Gundam Image: Another look Image: Left side Image: Good guy Image: Another look Image: That's handy.... Image: Another Cardassian, Keldon-class this time Image: Zugock Image: Centaur-class USS Shaffer Image: Closer look Image: With build-up notes Image: Ghost, from Macross Zero Image: Vulcan ship from First Contact Image: It won a Merit award Image: Sky One Image: Slave 1 Image: Nautilus Image: Jedi Starfighter and hyperdrive ring, from the Fine Molds kit Image: Another look Image: Brad Guy's Angel Of Mercy Image: Another look Image: Overall Image: Blaster Image: Another blaster Image: B-Wing Image: Another look Image: Red Musai .... flying a kite? Image: Recovery Image: Groovy 2036 Autogyro Image: Another look Image: Kevin Stone's Klingon kitbash Image: Kevin's Bird of Prey Image: Winged Gundum Image: Another look Image: It won a Merit award Image: Looks like a starburst Image: Impressive N-1 Image: Another look Image: Other side Image: 1/1000 Klingon Battlecruiser Image: Small mobilesuit Image: Another Seaquest Image: Pat's MG Gundam Ball Image: Left side Image: 1/72d Viper Mk 2 Image: Another view Image: Pat Amaral's Cylon Raider Image: Another Galactica Image: It won a Merit Image: Portside view Image: Sean Sides' 1/24 Raider Image: The Howling Wolf kit is an impressive build Image: Looks menacing sitting still |
Image: Sean's 1/20 scale Viper Mk 2 Image: This is the Frank-and-Moe kit Image: Port side Image: Kara Thrace is in the hot seat Image: It wone a Merit award Image: My Finnish SPG ... with legs Image: From above Image: Robb Merrill's SF-109 entry won a Silver Image: Another view of the Fliegenjägerkämpfen Image: Cockpit closeup Image: Gasaraki mech Image: Another view Image: Ishkick from Superdimension Century Orguss Image: Front view Image: Robb's 'Metal Fatigue' Image: From above Image: Robb's SV-52 Image: Closeup Image: Jim James' ARC-170 in flight Image: The base was pretty cool too Image: Jim James' Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Image: Another look: the model won a Bronze. Image: B.P. Taylor's scratchbuilt starship ESS Pioneer Image: Port side Image: Bow Image: Beauty Image: Port side, again Image: More beauty Image: Another Slave 1, in Episode II colors Image: This one got a Merit award Image: Head-on Image: Padme's cruiser Image: Shiny Image: ARC-170, loaded for bear Image: Another look Image: Closer look Image: Overall Image: Leaping Gundam Image: Starfighter Image: Port side Image: Port side, again Image: Starboard Image: Karim Nassar's UF-109 "Delphin" underwater fighter Image: Inspired by Sky Captain Image: Joe Brown's Replicator Command Ship Image: Another look Image: Prepare to be smote! Image: Another look Image: Relaxed Gundam Image: Another look Image: Surfing Gundam Image: Another view Image: Such a cool model.... Image: What the target sees Image: Jem'Hadar Battleship Image: Another look Image: It's an impressive model Image: Mechanized centaur Image: Side view Image: Head shot Image: Something from Five Star Stories, perhaps? Image: Zero-X from Thunderbirds Are Go! (or from the first episode of Captain Scarlet) Image: Time Key Image: Another look Image: Nicely weathered Zaku Image: Closeup Image: You lookin' at me? Image: Gundam Meteor - looking at the driver Image: Front view Image: Overall view Image: It won a Merit award Image: USS Ramjet Image: A damn fine ship Image: Closer look Image: USS Ranger Image: Another look |
Iron Modeler Image: One kit, four hours, lots of parts....Image: Raw materials Image: First entry, finished Image: Data at the wheel Image: From behind Image: Under construction Image: Further along Image: Coming together Image: Second entry, by Team CoMMiES (East) Image: Basic shell Image: What are they doing in there? Image: From behind Image: Third entry, also by Team CoMMiES (East) Image: Another look Image: Fourth entry, by Team CoMMiES (West) Image: Another look Image: NX-01 'spoiler' Image: Ready to roll |
Image: Desert Queen, by Team Oak Ridge Image: Coming together Image: Amazing what you can do with a PL Refit base and a Scorpion... Image: Weedwhacker, by Team BLAP!, which won the challenge Image: Data and the gun Image: Oak Ridge Boys in action Image: Team BLAP!, Canada's finest.... Image: Plenty of spectators Image: Getting a closer look Image: Lost in thought Image: CoMMiES building Image: Joe Brown, concentrating |
Image: Robb 'kylwell' Merrill holds Entry Four, as SueAnne 'Suechef' looks on Image: Jeremy 'Sgt Pinback' Schwinck and Brad 'Mr Badwrench' Guy of CoMMiES (East) Image: Dan 'Jonas Calhoun' Holmes and Matt 'M3' Jacobson of CoMMiES (West) Image: Chris 'PhD Strange' Binnett and Dave 'Blappy' Guertin of Team BLAP! Image: Busy, busy, busy Image: The peanut gallery looks on Image: CoMMiES (East) Image: Onlookers Image: Go Canada! Image: Joe and Thag arranging parts Image: If we put this here.... Image: Rich 'Lonewolf' Dula and Ken 'Cydonia' Darden, plugging away Image: The reveal Image: Trophy (bottom) Image: Top Image: The Chairman, Tom "Beausabre' Clark, ran the event with ... well, with an appropriately Iron Fist |
Dioramas Image: King Kong at Skull IslandImage: Go Kong Image: Closeup Image: Thunderchild vs. Tripod Image: Another view Image: Heat ray Image: Fleeing steamers Image: Another look Image: King Kong in his WWF debut Image: Another view Image: St George vs the Dragon Image: Birds-eye view Image: Another Kong Image: Front view Image: The Day the Earth Stood Still Image: Bug Bait Image: Did you hear anything? Image: Closer look Image: It won a Merit award |
Image: Borg Image: Front view Image: Closer Image: Gora, burning down the house Image: .... as well as the rest of the town Image: Closer look Image: From above Image: Flames Image: Sabretooth & Mastodon in the tar pit Image: From above Image: Predator with trophies Image: Another look Image: I am the champion! Image: From above Image: The Eighth Plague Image: Another look Image: Again Image: Bride of Frankenstein Image: Closer look Image: Bad day Image: Closer look |
Image: Another Bride Image: From above Image: Makeup chair Image: Closer look Image: Modeler's Lament Image: The CoMMiES' 'Slave OneZero' Image: Overall Image: Another look Image: The store is stocked with Holy Grail kits Image: The Beast in action Image: Closer Image: Another look Image: Frankenstein vs the mob Image: You want a piece of me, punk Image: John Zizolfo's TOS Bridge crew Image: Closer look Image: From the right Image: Rich Dula shows Darth Vader relaxing Image: Looking over Vader's shoulder Image: Sunscreen, M'Lord? Image: Size matters not Image: Another view |
Anime and Supers Image: Rain MikamuraImage: From above Image: Closer Image: From behind Image: Nice hat Image: One of the gals from Pia Carrot Image: Asuka in a party dress Image: Another look Image: Devillady Image: Deedlit Image: Don't mess with her Image: Another look Image: Pilot Image: Another look Image: Scary Image: Serpentman won a Merit Image: Barefoot Image: One of two large paper Final Fantasy models Image: The other Image: Another look Image: Closeup |
Image: Ryomo Shimei Image: Android Image: Front view Image: The Thing Image: Superman Image: Batman Image: Another Image: Super Gut? Image: Bring it Image: Shiny Colossus Image: He won a Merit Image: Right side Image: Ghostrider Image: Hell on Wheels Image: Wolverine Image: Right side Image: Closeup Image: Space Ghost Image: Head-on view |
Image: From above Image: Mystique looks like she's got a Viper on a stick Image: Superman bust Image: Thing MAD! Image: Crouching Batman won a Merit Image: Bigger Superman bust Image: Wonderwoman Image: Another look Image: Green Arrow Image: Another look Image: Apocolypse Image: Justice League Image: From the right Image: From the front Image: Michelle P's Catwoman Image: Another look Image: Knight Fall, from the front Image: Batman Bleeding Image: Closer look Image: Supers of Wrestling Image: Thor Image: Front view Image: It took a Merit award Image: Nightcrawler Image: It took a Merit award |
Figures Image: Another look Image: Closer Image: Well armed Image: Another look Image: Closer Image: She took a Merit Image: Kong with a handfull Image: Treasure hunter Image: Closer look Image: Mr Hyde Image: Zombie Image: Look what followed me home, Doctor - can I keep it? Image: Dracula Image: Mummy Image: A face only Mama could love Image: A different take on Frankenstein's Monster Image: What big eyes you have.... Image: Another look Image: Executioner Image: Herman Munster Image: Snakeman Image: Closer look Image: Werewolf Image: Another look Image: Another zombie Image: Scary Image: Dracula Image: Amazons Image: Another look Image: Merman Image: On Guard! Image: From above Image: Shoulda used gap-filling glue.... Image: Minion Image: Vampire Image: Creature Image: Another Frankenstein Image: Closer look Image: Diver Image: Jason Image: By Your Command Image: From above Image: Head-on view Image: No Fate Image: King of the Jungle Image: Gimme a hug! Image: Selke - this won a Gold IIRC Image: Another Mr Hyde Image: Frankie and the Kid Image: Boo! Image: Spacegirl Image: From the right Image: Front Image: Big Frankenstein bust Image: Tony Agustin's Night Job won a Bronze and a Best of... award Image: The figure is from Jimmy Flinstone and the furniture from Barbie Image: Elf girl Image: Headless Horseman from the PL kit |
Image: Cyclops Image: Astronaut & Egg Image: Extreme piercing Image: Blade Image: Another look Image: Boris Karloff Image: Frankenstein bust Image: Cool world Image: Closer look Image: Nosferatu Image: Another look Image: It got a Merit Image: The Mummy Image: Mad Max Image: Another look Image: Vampirella bust Image: Another look Image: Klingon Warrior Image: Bad Moon Rising Image: Mr Scott Image: Closer look Image: Another look Image: The Thinker Image: Alien breakdancing Image: Another look Image: Frankenstein Image: Cedrick Image: From above Image: Something dreadfull this way comes.... Image: Left side Image: Suit Image: Monster Image: Kong's angry Image: The Messenger Image: Left side Image: Closer look Image: Closer Image: Another closeup Image: Grey Wizard Image: Another look Image: Another Mr Hyde Image: The Ghost & Mr Chicken Image: The Eye of the Beholder Image: Padded for your protection Image: No! It's mine! Image: Karloff Image: Another Frankenstein Image: Bride Image: Vincent Price Image: Closeup Image: Vincent, redux Image: Another look Image: RatBatSpider Image: Like termites on a stick Image: Another look Image: It's only a flesh wound! Image: Another look Image: Closer Image: Best 2 out of 3? Image: Look, free apples! Image: Another look |
Image: Relaxed Image: Closer look Image: Here I stand Image: Headless Horseman Image: Another look Image: Gilly Image: Another look Image: Reaching.... Image: Closeup Image: Gorilla Image: Herman Image: Another look Image: Man-Thing! Image: It was in all the papers .... Image: Dark Shadows Image: Enemy, Mine bust Image: Kiss me Image: Dragonfly Lady.... Image: From above Image: ... and her mount Image: Romulan Commander Image: Vampirella Image: Closer look Image: Countess Karenstein Image: Closer look Image: Another Image: Closer Image: Bust Image: Needs a Dentabone Image: Grrrr! Image: Planet of the Apes General Image: The outlaw Josey Wales Image: Pirates of the Carribean Image: Closer look Image: It'll never fly, Orville Image: Another look Image: Luke Skywalker Image: Robot B-9 Image: Closeup Image: Frankenstein Image: Zombie Image: Claw Image: Borg Collective Image: Barbie of Borg Image: Resistence is futile, Skipper Image: One of them got a Merit Image: Yoo-hoo! Image: Humble abode Image: Aerobisizing Predator Image: Yoda Image: Closer look Image: Terminator Image: Closer look Image: He's kind of a mess.... Image: Ewok Image: Welcome to Jersey Image: Another look Image: Brad Guy's Bender Image: Ouch! Image: He got a Merit Image: Bookends Image: Ra Image: Super Girl Image: She's all grown up |
Humor, Kaiju/Dinos, Juniors & Judges/Staff Image: Modeler's LamentImage: Slimer Image: Another look Image: Dracula's roadster Image: Jim James' Wallace & Grommit's Anti-Pesto Van won a Gold Image: Closer look Image: Matt Jacobson's Eggliner Image: Matt got a Merit for it Image: Cthulogre Image: Creature from the Pickled Lagoon Image: Play it again, Sam Image: OJ Simpson Image: Another look Image: Able was I ..... Image: Captain Klutz Image: SueAnne Merrill's School Crossing Image: SueAnne won a Merit Image: E.T. at home Image: Godzilla and Dragons Image: That's a wrap- Image: Alien probe Image: From above Image: Sumos Image: Cylon Garage Image: Love the pinups .... Image: Rock-em, Sock-em Cylons Image: Another look Image: There was supposed to be an earth-shattering KABOOM! Image: Closer look Image: Jim James 'Star Wars, The Musical' won Best Humour & a Merit Image: Commander McBragg |
Image: Prehistoric Rumble Image: Shimmery dragon Image: Another look Image: Red Dragon Image: Vibrant wings Image: It won a Merit Image: Dragon head Image: Triceretops Image: Armored Image: Godzilla Image: Another Image: Gamera Image: Snacking on a power bar? Image: Spiky Image: Right side Image: Juniors: Holybell & Belldandy Image: Dick Tracy Image: Worm Image: WonderWoman Image: The Riddler Image: Bride of Frankenstein Image: Bond Image: Dragon Image: Gilly Image: Creature bust Image: Frankenstein Image: Countess Karenstein Image: The Countess in Green Image: ... and black Image: Another partial Creature Image: Rancor Beast Image: Again Image: Another look Image: On Patrol |
Image: Models by the Judges & Staff Image: More Image: More Image: More Image: More Image: Countess Karenstein & the Troll Image: The Countess Image: Vampirella Image: Troll Image: Batman & Robin Image: Kathoga Image: Closer look Image: Undead Image: Another look Image: Closer look Image: Anime princess Image: Closer look Image: Kong vs Dino Image: More dinos |
Dealers' Room Image: Where it all happensImage: Before the storm.... Image: Lot's of vendors- Image: Lot's of stuff Image: The room was packed all weekend Image: Entry was restricted... Image: Alliance models at FederationModels' table Image: Federation's huge display Image: The new Howling Wolf BaseStar, all lit up Image: Another look Image: Big Galactica master, partially completed Image: The head Image: Cargo shuttle Image: Leviathan Image: Right side Image: Warp Stargate, built/painted by Terry Miesle Image: 1/72 Galactica Shuttle Image: Gort Image: Closer look Image: Starcrafts' 1/200 Colonial One Image: Jem Hadar battlewagon Image: Scott 'Captain Cardboard' Alexander Image: Atomic City's table Image: Aries 1B at Atomic City's table Image: Other side Image: Another look |
Image: Discovery sphere Image: AC's Discovery Image: Another look Image: EVA Pod Image: Another look Image: Big Disney Moonliner Image: Chianna, at Timeslip Creation's table Image: BIG Martian War Machine Image: 5th Element Diva, at Timeslip Image: DRD Image: Aeon Flux Image: River Tam Image: Six bust Image: Various comic book figures (Jimmy Flinstone's table?) Image: More figures Image: Still more Image: Linda, working the SSM tables Image: The new Cruciform Fighter Image: Stargazer's 1/288 Firefly-class Image: 1/48 Wishbone fighter Image: More models Image: Millenium Falcon with the upgrade set Image: FM MF, built by Chriss Ross Image: Company X Drydock, coming soon Image: Lindasmile & OneZero Image: Yikes! I've put on weight.... |
Image: 1/24 F-302, mastered by Barry Murray, at Sci-Fi Models' table Image: Another look Image: 1/24th Viper Mk 7 Image: Starboard side Image: Alien bust Image: Deja Thoris Image: Dragon Image: Dragon Rider Image: Gollum Image: Joker bust Image: Ever-popular Countess Karenstein Image: King Kong Image: Lara Croft Image: Ming Image: Batman bust Image: Big B-9 Image: Betty Paige bust Image: The ModelBase display Image: Metal lady Image: Closer look Image: NuBSG helmet Image: Pink robot Image: Goofy Image: The aftermath..... |
People & Special Displays Image: Special Guest Yvonne Craig (left)Image: During her talk Image: This year saw more costumes Image: Including 'Edgar' here, who gave my 3yr old a fright Image: Security patrol Image: Ugly shirts in abundance Image: The pool party was again a success Image: Piles of parts provoked pandelerium Image: Sunday evening's SSM steakhouse gathering Image: Sunday night wrap up at Blap! Central Image: Relaxing after the weekend |
Image: Contest room, setting up Image: Tables slowly filling up Image: First entries Image: Special displays: Sean Side's large Enterprise Image: Classic pose Image: Another Image: From above Image: Starboard side Image: Overall Image: Bow Image: All lit up Image: Port side |
Image: Powerloader part from Aliens Image: Xenomorph head Image: Another look Image: Alien prop Image: Another Image: More Image: BIG Kong Image: Closer look Image: Makeup effects Image: Bad skin Image: Bust Image: Laboratory Image: Scary Image: Star Trek props Image: Another look Image: More Image: More Image: Captain's chair |
This page copyright © 2006 Starship Modeler.
First posted 26 June 2006. Last updated on 7 July 2006.