Another interesting Monogram display was the
Babylon 5 Station. They had the full built-up kit, complete with totally
incorrect paint scheme. The only thing that kept going through my mind as I looked at the piece
was "boy it's small" and "this would be a painting nightmare".
The kit seemed to be about 15" long and pretty unimpressive. With all of the other cool designs
that this TV program has to offer, I can only wonder why they decided to
do the station.
(Editor's Note: Most of the "paint scheme" for the station was originally to have consisted of decals. R/M
ditched the proposed detailed decals in favor of a smaller sheet of less detail that is cheaper to print. After
all, sci-fi builders are all kids right? And kids won't notice the decals suck. Or the Armageddon X-71
kit is wrong. Or ... you get the picture. Off my soapbox now - 1Zero).
The guys working the booth were pretty
animated. Their table was the exact opposite of the Tamiya booth, which was very
professional and impressive looking, with lots of cool buildups on
display. But the guys manning the Tamiya booth had looks of "just TRY to talk to me" plastered to their
faces. They really looked like they wanted to be doing something rearranging the sock drawer.
One real surprise was seeing Armorcast in the
vendor room. They do sci-fi vehicles and terrain,
but mostly for gaming purposes. They have a license with
Games Workshop to produce vehicles and other
accessories for the Warhammer 40K game line.
Let me rephrase that. They HAD a license.
As of October 1st 1998 Armorcast will no longer be able to produce these items.
They will then have until January 31, 1999 to sell off their remaining stock. You should definitely
take a look at their web page, as a lot of the stuff they are doing is very good and is reasonably priced, considering the size. After the end of the year, they are all
With a growing line of non-fiction space kits (mostly astronaut figures) EVA Models was right across
from Armorcast. EVA had
their new LRV kit that really
needs to be seen to be believed. How a small one-man operation can turn out kits of this quality is
beyond me. The best part about EVA models presence
was that I got to meet Chris Chulamanis, the owner/modeler. He is really one of the
nicest guys on the planet. For me that makes a real difference in
how much business I do with somebody.
The only other products specifically related to the SF modeler were
The Modeler's Resource Magazine table and
Tangents. Fred DeRuvo, publisher and head bottle washer of
TMR, had brought by his standard magazine
selection as well as his latest kit releases.
TMR started doing
figure kits (mostly nudes or semi-clad babes) a little while back and seems to be doing well with
them. In fact, since he wasn't expecting too much enthusiasm
from the mostly historical-inclined crowd, he didn't bring more than a handfull of the three kits
they currently produce. Well, it turns out that historical modelers
have hormones too and he quickly sold out of all of the kits and started taking orders to ship the
following Monday. My personal favorite of the line is
Wolf-Spirit. Click the link and find out why. I didn't pick one up there but I plan to.
Tangents is my company. We had brought our full stock of Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models Magazine, the
our remaining Science Fiction
Modeller magazine, Fusion
Models' Kodiak, and our own foray into the garage kit market, the Warrior Bug. We spent a lot of time goofing off with the neighboring
folks at TMR. With 12 hour days in the vendors' room, we had some time to kill.
While you might be thinking that this sounds pretty thin, as far as interesting things in the vendor
room, that's not really the case. There were a lot of other vendors - most of them were more historically oriented. Even so, some of the booths
had some pretty nice stuff. There were also a number of vendors selling
things like tools, glues, and other genre-indifferent items. One
booth had a great selection of dental tools, useful as sculpting tools. They also had a number of things that I had never seen before, like a
step-down chuck so you could use Dremel-sized bits in a standard drill. I don't know about you
but interesting tools are something that I love to look at.
The real draw of the IPMS Nationals is the contest. I mean, what could be more exciting than
having your work competing side by side with some of the best
modelers from across the country? I had expected to see a couple of tables of SF or fantasy stuff.
Maybe a few Trek pieces and some Star Wars stuff. I was
totally blown away by what I saw. Rows and rows of stuff! Not just kits either. There were
MANY scratchbuilt and kitbashed pieces. Some good, some great
and some...
Let's take a look at a few of the entries. Unfortunately, names of the individuals are not
included on the entry forms so I have only a couple of names to go with
the entries. If you know who modeled any of these pieces please e-mail Starship Modeler so that
they can update the information.
An exquisitely painted ERTL Cutaway Millenium Falcon by James DiGiacomo of Mesa, AZ. Even with the kit's innacuracies, this finished model looks very nice. |
Sometimes it's fun to figure out what went in to a particular kitbash. This one is fairly
apparent if only from the name. The "SF-14 Bradley" Fighter looks like it
began its life as a M2 Bradley IFV, and maybe a F-14 Tomcat model. The pod on top probably
came from the Seaquest Deep Ocean Transport kit from
Monogram. Even though it's a little clunky and the pieces are disguised all that well I really liked
it. |
If you look in the center of this table you can see another interesting original piece. This is
probably mostly a kitbash but it does a better job of disguising the
original pieces. The cargo containers stood out as being very interesting shapes but it was later
that another modeler came up with the idea that they are probably
ink-jet cartridges. If they are that's a great use of something that you would normally throw
away. |
John Douglass loves scratchbuilding spacecraft of all sorts. This is his latest batch and one of
two entries that I saw (You can see his other one on his web page -
it's the big blue one). One of the best reasons to go to these shows is to meet other modelers and
discuss... well, modeling. Anyway, John is somebody that I had
met through the internet prior to attending the show so it was nice to be able to place a face to the
name. |

The following pics are from entries by Sean Sides of Denver, CO. I guess
what was the best thing about these pieces were that these are
the kits themselves with very little extra added to them.
Let's take the Voyager for example. This was my favorite of the lot. It's definitely the
deluxe version because of the number of markings and the modeler had apparently made the
nacelles positionable though it is not visible to the static display. He also
added some railroad lenses where the running lights are. What really
makes this kit shine though is his paint job. He's taken some very subtle shading and made the
ship just come alive with it. The lesson here would seem to be that subtlety wins out over
special effects. Nothing would have been added to this kit had he decided to go with lighting
or noisemakers (there were a few kits in the show that made noises) or other gimmicks. This is
pure modeling skill bringing the kit to life.
His other entries (the Excelsior, the Bird of Prey, an X-Wing and a Battlestar Galactica Viper)
all showed this ability to bring life to the kits with paint. For me these
were the most inspiring pieces in the show.
David Weeks' latest masterpiece was this fully detailed Gemini capsule. With complete interior detail and an astronaut going EVA, this gem won first place in the Real Space category. |
There were many pieces that I didn't get pictures of and some I did but don't have pictures of
since a roll of film disappeared. One of the things that I really regret losing was my pictures of Sean Sides' 1/6th scale
Classic Trek Science Station from the bridge of the Enterprise. It
was LARGE and everything looked completely accurate. The lights flashed and if you looked into
the little viewer on the console there was a backlit graphic in it.
Overall it was wonderful.
These pictures don't really convey a sense of the large number of SF and
fantasy pieces at the show. Sure, there were far more planes and
tanks, but there were almost as many SF pieces as cars - maybe more. They certainly took up more
space since some of the entries were immense. I think that this
shows that while SF modeling isn't always taken seriously, it IS popular. And the popularity seems
to be growing!
Even if you don't have a local IPMS chapter you
should look around and see what there is to offer. There are many large national shows for
modelers and many of them specifically cater to the SF modeler.
Wonderfest, Mad Monster Party, Fantasmonium and others are out there for us. It's not all about
competition either. Meeting fellow modelers and sharing ideas
are the best reasons to go.
Next year the IPMS Nationals will be held at the end of July in Orlando Florida. You do have
to be a member to enter a piece in the competition but you don't
have to be one to attend.