by Wolfgang Bittermann
Scale: 1/24
This is a project I have worked on for years now. As I saw “Star Wars - Episode I” I was very impressed by the pod race sequences. There were so many different looking podracers with cool designs. One of my first thoughts was that I have to create my private podracer someday. I started this project soon after the visit at the movies in I guess autumn 1999. This project had a lot of breaks of several weeks / month during the last years.
When this “Yellow Contest” was announced my podracer project was about 20% done AND I finally knew what color this podracer will have. I finished this model the last 4 weeks and I am really lucky how it comes out!
My primary intent was to build a cool-looking podracer by using lots of stuff anyone has in his house like plumbing pipes and empty bottles of bath / shampoo / soap / smelly welly and plastic spoons and forks and so on. But very soon I noticed that I also had to use other modeling parts to finish this project. So this podracer is a mix of many many many different parts.
The engines are made from plumbing pipes. The pod itself is made from a empty odour despenser bottle. I used so many different stuff just to name a few: lots of evergreen plastic sheets / stripes / rods in various thickness, lots of parts from my greeblie spare part boxes, cable clips in different sizes, handholds from plastic cutlery, guitar strings in various sizes, parts from a agrar backpack sprayer, pilot is from a airfix hawker hurricane or spitfire.