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CAM 216 Vulcan

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[Scale Solutions]

by Patrick Maley

Scale: 1/72

The CAM 216 Vulcan was modified from a Earth-based low orbit interceptor to a Mars-based second tier fighter. While in service, the Vulcan had limited success against more advanced Proximan fighters. The only saving grace was the Vulcan's ability to absorb damage. For a more complete description please refer to Spacecraft 2100 to 2200 A.D.

I chose this ship from the half dozen yellow colored ships in the book due to the "Anderson" style design, fat body, and big engines.

I carved sheets of balsa into the shape of the main fuselage. Since the book doesn't give dimensions, I made my version 1/72 scale. The length is 18 inches, wingspan 21 inches and height 7 inches. After the wood molds were made, I used my homemade vac machine to form the fuselage. All the pieces are scratch built: top engines, wings and main engines, which are 1/2 inch PVC with 50 hand cut exhaust feathers.

I've used two colors of primer, two colors of yellow and a final coat of SP Armor yellow to create a nice panel effect. The only deviation from the book image is the MB(Mars Base) ship number and a squadron patch with three kill markers on the fighter, which gives the Vulcan a little personality.

I hope my entry will inspire some of you to crack open the Spacecraft book and build some of the unique ships.

Image: Front view

Image: Rear

Image: Underneath

Image: Detail

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This page was last updated 26 December 2006. © 2006 Starship Modeler