For the ribs of the canopy I vacuum formed a second canopy and used a
stencil I cut out the ribs. The ribs were then welded in place on top of
the canopy and styrene strips were welded on the inside of the canopy to
give the ribs more thickness.
The spot-light under the fuselage in the front also has a vacuum
formed trasparent piece in it.
The interior was mostly sculpted out of “kneed-a-tight” (Green Stuff) with
styrene and auto body filler as a base. The instrumentation panel section
was a mixture of all materials already mentioned.
The wheels rotate freely, are made of rubber and can fit nicely into the
fuselage 2/3 covered by the wheel well caps (flying mode).
The biggest challenge in interpreting and building this design was keeping
with its scale and “look”. The illustrations of the plane are consistent
only in “feel” from one panel to the next in the book. Scale, major shapes
and details change constantly in the illustrations. I had to achieve a
“feel” and scale that could reasonably fit the situations in the novel but I
couldn’t do it in separate models as is done with separate panels in the
book. The scale I settled with (cheated with maybe) was 1/27.
I also tried to keep with the “messy” feel of the lines and colors in the
illustrations by being a little “inconsistent with my building methods (a
slight intentional sloppiness?).
The yellow is Tamiya Camel Yellow (spray). I didn’t need an under-coat
‘cause the plastic is a nice “off white” already. The weathering is washes
of various colors and brands, too many and too mixed to be mentioned here.
The interior seats were airbrushed with Humbrol enamels plus various washes.
For the pictures of the model I used sun light with a white background.
The white background was “bleached” a little but the models color is as true
to the original as it can get.
Image: Front/right view
Image: Instruments
Image: Seating
Image: Left/rear
Image: Starboard side
Image: Portside closeup
Image: Underneath
Image: Port side, with canopy off