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We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines

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[Scale Solutions]

by Charles & Adrienne Esseltine

Scale: Not stated

In the year 2525 it's a fight to stay alive. Humans are in a fight for their lives against a cunning vicious foe.... Well not really. Humans have taken over system after system, and leading the rush to the front lines are well trained troopers.... Um... Make that "Poorly trained, and underfunded grunts." And the foes they are up against are a race of ten foot tall giants. The Yokos weren't the brightest kids on the block, but they were some of the toughest. This scene shows Sargent Pepper Smith's group the "Lonely Hearts Club" as they make their way through the decks of a Yoko Cruiser. They were the only group to make it to the command deck of the crash- landed ship. Once there the surviving Yoko's surrendered to the surviving Marine members.

The models are WarHammer 40k Space Marines, and a background set from the same line. After a wash in soapy water, the marines were given a coat of white primer, and black for the background pieces.

Background (The corridor): We liked the way the flat black looked on the background,so we left it that way. Aluminum highlights brought out a lot of the detail. The command crest behind them on the wall was done in flat white, silver, blood red, and gold. The deck was weathered using a rag with a little bit of nearly dry aluminum paint on it.

The Marines: When we bought the marines we also bought the brightest, most gaudy yellow we could find. (Bad Moon Rising I believe). After one coat, the white was still showing trough a bit, so on went the second coat. Add a black wash to bring out what little detail there was, and a little silver for accents, and the paint scheme was complete.

The Sarge: He needed a little bit extra to make him stand out. Well stagger is more like it. We decided that he needed to be beat up. A few holes with a hot knife, re-posing his 'wounded' arm, and adding a little dried blood wasn't enough. We gave him a captured weapon (Generic mech weapon), and posed him like he had seen better days.

Two Gun John: Even after modifying the hand, the left arm just didn't seem right. So he was changed from a fighting pose to the climbing one he is in now.

Boom Boom Ringo: I wanted a sniper pose, but the figure would've had to have been reworked more than we cared to do. So after I switched out the sniper rifle, I gave him the job of tossing a grenade down through the hole they came out of.

Point man Paul: He is the only figure that didn't get modified somehow. This is the generic pose they come in.

Hawkeye Harrison: Remember Ringo was going to be a sniper? Well the Sniper weapon went to Hawkeye. move into generic action pose #13115 and walla!

Image: Scary background

Image: Detail: climbing out the hole

Image: Charge!

Image: Side view

Image: Closeup

Image: Another

Now you know the story, now here's the song.

"We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines"

In the town where I was born Live a man that sailed the stars And he told us of his life In the Yellow Space Marines

So we sailed among the stars Till we found a world of green And we fought the evil waves As Yellow Space Marines

We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines

And our troops are all on board Many more in the berth next door And they all begin to sing

We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines

As we fight, we fight for peace On every planet that we meet Skies of blue, and seas of green Protected all by Space Marines

We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines

We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, We're all part of the Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines, Yellow Space Marines

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This page was last updated 11 January 2007. © 2007 Starship Modeler