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The Landing Pad

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[Scale Solutions]

by Kelly Krider

Scale: 1/25

Coordinates 0-0, the galactic center of the universe, also know as Coruscant. On this city covered planet is a small bar called "The Landing Pad." Spacers, pilots, local blue collar air speeder drivers, and many other varieties of clientele frequent this small and modest bar. Word of mouth keeps this place going as it is not a flashy looking place on the outside. It is a nice relaxing place to unwind after a long space voyage. Here we see the owners' air speeder parked in front of "The Landing Pad," while his astromech droid stands by the entrance to the bar.

This display is a wall hanging that I scratch built for this contest using spare parts. The air speeder was an unfinished project that I had lost enthusiasm for. It was completed except for the paint job, which I could not decide on. The yellow contest made the decision for me. The air speeder is made from the engines from the Anakin Skywalker Pod Racer engines and a 1:25 scale Dodge Viper model. Two different size micromachines Millennium Falcons help make the "signs" as does a part from the STAP with Battle droid kit. The main building is PVC or Sintra and the details under the landing platform are various parts from my greeblie supply. The R2-Unit is cast from a brass keychain that was near the correct scale.

Image: Looking down

Image: Closer look

Image: Underneath

Image: Speeder

Image: From behind

Image: Signage

Image: Speeder, left side

Image: Droid

Image: Above/left

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This page was last updated 6 January 2007. © 2007 Starship Modeler